Wildwood lifestyle Center for Health and Evangelism and the Decatur Seventh-day Adventist Church are hosting a FREE Community Health Expo

Wildwood lifestyle Center for Health and Evangelism and the Decatur Seventh-day Adventist Church are hosting a FREE Community Health Expo


Wildwood lifestyle Center for Health and Evangelism and the Decatur Seventh-day Adventist Church are hosting a FREE Community Health Expo Sunday, November 18, 2018
Open to the public from 1:00pm – 4:00pm.

Participants will have the opportunity to visit eight educational booths featuring the Eight Laws of Health: Sunlight, Water, Exercise, Rest, Nutrition, Air, Temperance and Trust.
Information will be provided to help participants examine their personal life style habits and make changes that can lead to a healthier life and a longer life span.

Screenings include: Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Blood Sugar and more.
Participants will have the opportunity to enjoy a Free Massage, receive Diet Counseling and other information that can help them reverse bad habits and improve their quality of life.

About Wildwood
Wildwood Lifestyle Center has been in operation for over 70 years (1942).
Wildwood treats by natural means, educating the community in the principles of health.

All participants will be entered into a drawing for a special prize. You do not have to be present to win. The drawing will take place at the end of the day.

Contact: Anna Perez
Health Ministries Coordinator

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