A Moment in Time – February 5, 2019
John Anthony Coaxum
John Anthony Coaxum was born on March 20th 1987 in Charleston,
South Carolina. After graduating High School he attended Oakwood
University in Huntsville, Alabama. He graduated from Oakwood University
in May 2009 with a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Pastoral/Evangelism.
In that same year he accepted a call to join the Allegheny West
Conference. He also completed the Andrews Theological seminary with a
Masters of divinity Degree. And currently serves as senior pastor in
He is the author of two books: When God Calls: 40 Things You Need
to Know Before You Answer, and just released his second book Out of
Egypt: Leaving Chains Where They Belong. Currently he co-host’s the new
PELC (Pastoral Evangelism and Leadership Conference) podcast called
Beyond the Pulpit. However his greatest accomplishment to date is
marrying his best friend Leah. When not involved in ministry he enjoys
reading, basketball, football, and playing guitar.
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