The Crooked Christmas Tree -Always Late
There are gifts and then there at gifts.
I would dare to say that the gift of grace is the greatest gift of all.
Grace. Not a theological answer to an ethereal problem. But real grace.
Grace so potent that when you see it, when you feel it, you can’t call it by any other name. I’ve seen that Grace. And I saw it in a man called Gordon Botting.
Gordon had asked me to speak for a conference. The conference was 2 hours away. Now If you know anything about me one thing that is true is I am ALWAYS late.
And so I dilly dallied around the house as I usually do thinking that I had more time than I did and then got what I usually got. A ticket to Lateville.
Now not all lateness is created equal. There is 5 minutes late. The there is the kind of late I was that day. I missed the entire program.
I spent the last 30 mins of the drive preparing my excuse. Couldn’t come up with anything to match my mistake. I drove up to the building slow and out walked Gordon. Drats!
He approached my car. Smile on face. But before I could get my silly excuse out of my mouth he put his arm around my shoulder and said “I’m glad you made it!” And with no mention of my blunder he invited me to join him for dinner.
I was floored. I ruined his program and he invites me to a meal without a word of my shame. I saw grace that day as if I had never seen it before. And understood that grace, Gods grace is the greatest gift I could ever receive
My name is Damian Chandler and I am the author of The Crooked Christmas Tree
Listen to today’s excerpt.