2018 Hydrotherapy Workshop

2018 Hydrotherapy Workshop


Contact Name * bill daniels
Contact Email * wellspring38460@gmail.com

You know the feeling. You come home from work, your feet are tired, your back hurts, your chest is tight, and the muscles in your neck are in a cramp. Your bursitis has flared up again. And old uncle arthur is visiting your knee again. Or maybe someone you know or live with is having these problems. What to do ?

Hydrotherapy works for every one of these problems, is cheap, requires no medication, only a short education.

The 2018 Hydrotherapy Workshop is coming to Oakwood SDA Church. The dates are (all Sundays, ONLY on Sundays) October 7, October 21, November 11, and December 9, 2018. The cost is $125, with arrangements available for college students and others who may need hardship consideration.
To enroll, please  contact us.

We offer various payments arrangements, that may include discounts for students, based on a case by case evaluation. In some cases, scholarships are available, that is, we may use funds on hand to pay the entire cost in extreme, repeat, extreme circumstances.
This training is open to the general public.

Joy Cavins                              Louise Daniels
2713 Garvin Road                  1985 Shannon Creek Road
Huntsville, AL 35810            Goodspring, TN 38460
256-851-9017                         931-565-4022


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