Spring Sharathon 2017

2017 Sharathon Campaign

Thank you for sharing and showing your support for Praise 90.1 FM WJOU during our Spring Shareathon. Because of you we hit and exceeded our goal of $20,000 and raised $33,500!


April 10-14, 2017

The theme for WJOU’s Annual Spring Sharathon is Telling the Greatest Story Ever Told! That’s what we do here at 90.1FM WJOU, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year…spread the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ!

Our Sharathon gives you an opportunity to join us in this effort by becoming a Praise Partner with your financial support. From April 10-14, you will hear us “live” on-the-air asking you to call in to 256-726-7444 with your donation. You can also make a contribution right here on the WJOU website.

Whatever the method, the only way we can reach our $20,000 goal is with your help.

Below are some our suggested giving levels.  You can make a one-time gift or join the WJOU family as a systematic giver by making a monthly contribution or your credit or debit card. It easy, affordable and efficient.

Giving Levels

$60-One Time                        $5 per month systematic

$90.10-One Time                   $7.51per month systematic

$120 One-Time                      $10 per month systematic

$240-One Time                      $20 per month systematic

$360 One-Time                      $30 per month systematic

$600-One Time                      $50 per month systematic

$1,200 One-Time                   $100 per month systematic

 [su_button url=”https://donations.wjou.org” target=”blank” size=”6″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” icon=”icon: money”]Become a Praise Partner[/su_button]

Thank you in advance for your support of 90.1FM WJOU…Many Voices…One Praise!