A Moment in Time – The Lavishing Love of God
My children love musicals and from the moment my daughter saw the trailer for the new Disney movie, it is all she’s talked about.
I wish I could explain in words just how excited she was to see this movie.
There was a countdown calendar, she researched characters and learned all of the songs
On opening day, the entire family turned it into an experience, I surprised her with the main character’s dress, there were pictures and candy and popcorn and 3D glasses and it was perfect.
As she sat watching the movie surrounded by love you could literally see the joy radiating off of her.
While she watched, I took it all in and just marveled at the fact that at no point in the day did she turn to me and say, “I don’t deserve this”
She never stopped to remind me of the tantrum she had the night before.
Not once did she refuse my love or the way in which we all lavished it upon her.
Instead, she received it.
She experienced it.
She found joy in it.
I am a human mother, with human limitations and human faults.
If I know how to love my children well, in spite of their human failings, how much more does the one who created me and the entire universe, know how to love me?
Yet every time He chooses to lavish his love on me, I find a way to refuse his love with my thoughts, words, and actions.
How it must break His heart.
I decided a few years back that I wanted to experience God in the fullness of His love so I decided to allow myself to be totally and LAVISLY loved by Him.
Y’all The result has been amazing.
Never in my life have I experienced this level of joy, peace, and complete love.
This same love has been poured out on you, but you have to be willing to accept it. Today I invite you to fully receive the love of God, to fully experience it and to find joy in it, with no questions asked.
It is time my friends for a new love relationship with your creator.