THE CROOKED CHRISTMAS TREE – Listen weekdays @7:40A
Listen weekdays at 7:40A and 1:30P during the month of December to ‘The Crooked Christmas Tree.’ Pastor and Author Damian Chandler shares the “Beautiful Meaning of Jesus’ Birth” and a family story of grace!!!
My family has a Christmas tradition. Every year we take the kids to a tree lot the day after thanksgiving and they chose a live Christmas tree.
Now that they are older, their choices are solid they’ve actually become little Tree conoseures . But when they were younger…well not so much. One year they chose the absolute ugliest tree I had ever seen. It was sparse and crooked and depressing. Everything a Christmas tree should never be. I tried with all my might to convince them to pick another but they weren’t having it. They were already in love.
I was mad. With all the good choices why would they chose that tree. Why should I pay my good money for that crooked tree. But somewhere in the process of putting the tree up I realized that tree was me.
Listen I know me intimately. I know my thoughts. I know what I’ve done. And I know my heart is infinitely more crooked than that’s trees branches. And knowing who I am, I am honestly floored to think that God payed such a high price for someone one like me.
So if your crookedness ever makes you question your worthiness remember that the God knows exactly what to do with Crooked things
My name is Damian Chandler and I am the author of The Crooked Christmas Tree
Listen to today’s excerpt.
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