December 1 – Intimacy with God
Intimacy with God
I have always loved spending time with God, there were days when we would spend hours together in my closet.
When I had kids, things changed. Between working all day, commuting, changing diapers, and preparing meals, I could never find time the way I once did.
I spoke to a spiritual leader about my struggles and was told that my priorities were out of order. She suggested I get up earlier, 4 AM to be exact.
I did this for weeks and while I was getting my time in with God, I was also miserable and very tired.
One day as I was leaving to take my daughter to dance, my husband, whom I also didn’t get to see very often, asked if he could ride with us. After dropping her off, he said “let’s grab a cup of coffee.” We spent the next 45 mins talking, laughing, and catching up! We had so much fun, it became our standing date for the rest of the dance season.
The next morning at 4 AM prayer as I lay once again discouraged and trying not to fall asleep, God said, can I ride with you to work?
Can we talk during gymnastics?
At that moment, God reminded me that he is bigger than our limited schedules.
Our relationship with him isn’t defined by the number of hours we clock, but rather the intimacy between us.
Too often we believe the lie that our relationship with God has to “look” or “be done” in a specific way for it to “count”.
But the truth is, that this relationship is between two beings; me and God. TOGETHER we get to define how our relationship will grow.
Today I invite you to discover what works for you and your creator. Together decide how you will connect and then spend the rest of this season growing in your relationship together, I can assure you, it will be the most amazing thing you will ever do.