A Moment in Time- Virtue-Day 23
31 Days of Prayer…
31 Days of Opening our hearts…
31 Days of REBIRTH…
Experience a journey of spiritual awakening with Virtue. See the harrowing personal stories of how the hands of God touched the lives of these three sisters, Grammy, Dove and Stellar Award nominated gospel artists, Ebony, Karima, and Heather. Feel the hands of God move on your life. Whether you’re single, divorced, battling mental health, parenting kids with special needs or just need reassurance that you are COVERED.

In addition to singing together our entire lives, and professionally for over 20 years, we truly are each other’s best friends. Without fail, we talk on the phone everyday, at least 3 times a day (our poor husbands)! We have always been close that way, it’s just how our mother raised us. So naturally this book was birthed from one of our many phone conversations. This time we were talking and someone mentioned that a girlfriend was requesting prayer. Said she was going through a lot and wanted to gather up an army of believers and prayer warriors to petition God on her behalf. She also mentioned that she and some other people were doing a 31-day prayer challenge.
We were raised in a house with a mother who literally prayed with us morning, noon, and night. She always made it clear to us that prayer is not optional, it’s essential. She told us that going without prayer is like sending a soldier to war without a weapon. Going without praying is like forgetting to put clothes on before you leave the house…forgetting your covering. So we’ve always prayed for each other and sometimes together, but this time was different. We felt impressed to turn one of our daily phone conversations into pure prayer, for 31 days. Everyday at 5 A.M., we prayed and thanked God for our blessings and laid out all of our problems, struggles, triumphs, hopes, dreams, and the requests of our friends, before God. In those 31 days we felt a closeness to each other and to God like never before. Together we saw answers to prayers happen, and we heard God speak. We heard Him say its time to start telling your story. It was clear that He wanted us to share our story with you. So in addition to our songs and music that we’ve made over the years, here’s a little bit more about us, in our words. We just want to share the hope of salvation with the world. To let everyone know, that long ago, God picked up the tab for our sins, He covered us. We are covered by His grace, and the great sacrifice He made for us to live. When we get to know Him and use our power to pray, we accept that we are covered. It is our sincere hope that as you read these devotionals and testimonies from our lives that you will be encouraged to keep going, stay motivated, get ready, keep trying, and start praying. And we would be so happy if you decided to grab someone and pray together for 31 days!
Ebony, Karima, & Heather