
by in A Moment in Time, News

A Moment in Time- Dr. Christopher Thompson

Christopher Charles Thompson is a gifted communicator, communication strategist, and growth resource developer. Through writing, teaching and speaking, he inspires and equips young and old alike to higher heights of organizational, spiritual and personal growth. He received his undergraduate training at Southern Adventist University and Oakwood University in Elementary Education and Theology. He then received […]

by in A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time -Nov 30, 2021

Donna Green-Goodman, MPH is a Health Educator and was raised in Huntsville, AL. She graduated from Oakwood University and earned her Master’s in Public Health from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, CA. She has had a rewarding career of providing leadership in developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating Public Health Initiatives, Interventions, Programs, Services and […]

by in A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time -Nov 29, 2021

Donna Green-Goodman, MPH is a Health Educator and was raised in Huntsville, AL. She graduated from Oakwood University and earned her Master’s in Public Health from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, CA. She has had a rewarding career of providing leadership in developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating Public Health Initiatives, Interventions, Programs, Services and […]

by in A Moment in Time

A Moment in Time -Nov 26, 2021

Donna Green-Goodman, MPH is a Health Educator and was raised in Huntsville, AL. She graduated from Oakwood University and earned her Master’s in Public Health from Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, CA. She has had a rewarding career of providing leadership in developing, implementing, managing, and evaluating Public Health Initiatives, Interventions, Programs, Services and […]